A Better Way to Be Single
If you are single and getting yourself together, congratulations on learning how to be comfortable with being by yourself. Some people become relationship hoppers. They can barely make it through two months of facing themselves in the mirror and once they are dating, watch out! Before you know it, they will be moving in or at least fantasizing about it. I am so glad you realized that there is nothing wrong with embracing your hiatus and focusing on yourself, healing the wounds whatshis/hername may have left, and just being content with being with you. Kudos! You are already ten steps ahead of your competition. For the rest of you, you may be simply single or already single and looking; whenever the latter is the case, take applications and lots of them. Keep an open-mind while dating.While you may not think someone is "the one" at first glance, you never know. Dating an unlikely candidate could surprise you. To be perfectly honest, every date may not be marriage materia...