
Showing posts from 2013

When You No (<---That's On Purpose)

People will see how great of a resource you are, and use you all up if you let them... don't. "No" is one of the first words most children learn. Only two letters but it sets limits, reminds them of their boundaries, puts pause to their actions and redirects their train of thought. Do not miss the value in the word no. Commit to checking your calendar, your priorities, and your schedule first. Re-learn how to say no when you need to, and be okay with it. You may be able and willing to help others, but you also need to know the difference between being helpful and being used. While your job on this planet is to spread love, joy, and share your gifts, you also keep balance within yourself and be in the business of protecting your own well as well. Have a Wonderful New Year Keys!!! ~Follow , like  for a daily dose of inspiration and positivity.

All In*

The key to any strong relationship is the ability to experience and then cultivate trust, growth, perseverance, and healing by way of love. The method by which you are meant to grow from those experiences is through the existence of all of your relationships particularly the relationship you have with your partner. While all of your relationships have the potential to lift you to a greater understanding of yourself and bring the relationship itself to a greater, higher place, the relationship with your partner is where you will do the most work on yourself and the relationship as a whole. Understand that you and your partner are strong as individuals, but know you can trust and rely on each other when needed. The goal is to become stronger as a unit and you will; if you are committed to each other, you can make it through anything together. Know that. As part of a unit that may be new, fragile, or damaged, as long as everyone is committed you have already made your first step into grea

A Wonderful Life!

With the hustle and bustle and all that is required of you to simply manage all of the moving parts in your life, it is easy to get swept up in the monotony of work, family, friends, bills, and other obligations with few moments to spare in between. If only there were more hours in every day that one could be still enough to really appreciate how wonderful life truly is? Sure, nothing is perfect, and there is plenty more to be done in regards to your career, relationship, fitness, and overall well-being, but a few extra moments stolen with no other purpose than a reflection in gratitude of the wonderful life you live could not hurt. In fact, it would only add to the beauty of it all and likely multiply in response to your acknowledgement. Your smallest and greatest accomplishments deserve a shiny, new coat of wax from time to time. Your joy and appreciation is magnified just by your attention to its detail, and you will find that your blessings always outweigh your trials. Take a few m

A Greater Peace

Despite what disappointments, hurdles, or difficulties you may be facing, find respite in knowing: your continued contribution to the world with your gifts, positive mindset and attitude, commitment to give more than you take, as well as your gratitude and understanding that every closed door, opportunity, and even delays are blessings in their own right all contributing to the fruition of your best circumstance. No matter what is going on in your life there is always one place where peace is overflowing- in your heart. You just have to welcome it in.  ~Follow  & like  for a daily dose of inspiration and positivity.

Peace Is Still

Now more than ever it is becoming harder to make time for stillness. The truth is, there is always something else to do or someone else that needs you. In the hustle and bustle of it all, there is little time for reflection if you do not commit to making it a priority. Sure, you can postpone duties for tomorrow but people are another story. Not only do you have to teach people how to treat you, but you have to learn for yourself first. Whether it is first thing in the morning or the last moments of the night, make time for you. Do so whenever you can, and set yourself up for success when you do. Start by turning your ringer off or keeping it off until you have had your alone time. Put you on your to-do list. When beginning such a practice there may be unexpected emotions like self-punishment and guilt. You may even feel as if you are letting people down being unavailable. What you will find is that usually there is no problem at all but a matter of convenience for them. On the other ha

The Remedy

The greatest misconception of life is the constant measurement and pursuit of happiness. Happiness is not something you find somewhere hidden under a rock or at an undisclosed location. Happiness is in fact much closer than you think. You can only find it inside yourself. If you want happiness you must begin to accept, love, forgive, and cultivate an appreciation of you. Acknowledge that you are gifted, figure out what those gifts are, and put them to use; live your life on purpose and develop your practice of gratitude. You can only truly experience happiness with an grateful heart and vice versa. Recognize the depth and full experience of all that fills your heart with love, appreciation, compassion, acceptance, and peace. There is where you will find happiness and authentic joy. ~Follow  & like for a daily dose of inspiration and positivity.

Positively Empowered

Do something today that will make you smile, make you laugh, make you proud, or bring your dreams closer to fruition. With the right attitude, persistence, and focus you can do any and everything you ever hoped to. Do it for you. All you have to do is simply believe in you. Be positively driven in the direction of your dreams and watch them show up in your life. ~For a dose of positivity every day, follow & like the now on facebook too!

Putting Gratitude in Your Attitude

What if everyone decided to work toward being more appreciative of the things and people we have in our lives? What would happen to the relationship that was broken if both parties forced themselves to recall the ways their partner has been a blessing to their life? What if you took a moment to recollect on the many kind words, gifts just because, and thoughtful acts your partner has done for you? Get reacquainted with the part of you that was overflowing with waves of appreciation in the beginning.  In no way could having more gratitude, being more aware of its necessity in the moment, and expressing it by word or action could have a negative affect on any outcome. If anything it would enhance, uplift, and intensify your personal joy and experience with each other. Having more gratitude and making the conscious decision to be more aware and sensitive to what is deserving of it can only improve your relationship. The more grateful you are for even the smallest blessings, the greater yo

A Recipe for Joy

Every day, add more gratitude to stir up more joy in your life, and remember that every intention you put behind your thoughts will show up. Start looking for the many things in your life to be grateful for and you will find them. Commit to seeing what it is you want more of in your life and consciously appreciating what you already have. Practice gratitude and find an infinite number of things to appreciate. They will begin to multiply and outweigh any negativity or adversity in your life. If you want more joy bring it with you wherever you go. When you express gratitude things, acts, and people to be grateful for will emerge that outwardly make you happy, but ultimately you are only as happy as you can make up in your mind to be; in the midst of that happiness you will find joy. ~For a dose of positivity every day, follow & like the  -now on facebook too!

Believe in YOU!

Many people may never truly live up to their potential because of fear and insecurity. The uncertainty of the future is almost always a familiar culprit, but at the end of the day, your passion, your drive, your commitment, and ambition can bring all of your dreams into fruition. While it may take time and experiences, some of which may even be failures, you will find find your truest desire, your passion revealed. Welcome clarity into your life and chase your dream. Once you know what you want, do your research, take the necessary steps in that direction, and know that your success or failure is completely up to you. See yourself in the mix of it, make a plan of how you intend to make time for it, and be prepared to rage against anything your fears will create that can lead you away from your dream. No matter what your dreams may be, big or small, if you have the will, you will find the way. Be persistent, be prepared, and be determined. Know your gifts, follow your passion, and shar

The Greatest Gift...

The greatest gift you can give to yourself is to make the commitment to be happy, positive, and as kind as you can be all the days of your life. Happiness is the present state of balance as a result of the repeated expression of joy and gratitude; that comes from keeping a positive attitude. The kinder you are the more joy you welcome into your life. Like a nosey neighbor, it will show up every time particularly when you least expect it, but need it most. Show compassion, smile often, laugh your way through life and embrace even the smallest blessings with a grateful heart. It is too short to live it any other way. Take a deep breath and relax. Remember, all you can do is do your very best. ~Stop by & for daily positive posts!

Everything You Want...

Take charge. Go after what you want, and be constantly in pursuit of your dreams. Even if given all of your other obligations you can only afford to give thirty minutes or an hour every other day- commit to it. Go after your dreams as best you can with the time you have been given. Invest in your joy, in your happiness, and in yourself.  Find time, energy, and focus to do what you love. Press against whatever keeps you from it. Everything that rules us mentally and emotionally consists of intangible things. Whether it is love, trust, faith, hope, joy, courage, or fear we are ruled by any one of these things from one moment to the next. Today, let love, courage, joy, and faith find speak the loudest, and go after your dreams. ~Follow  &  -Now on facebook and twitter too!

The Recipe for Happy

There is nothing better than being on the receiving end of love. Thus, if you make it a priority to express that gift as often as you can, share it with strangers and those you love, give it away whenever you get the chance, you will be happy. There are few that can attest to anything less than that. If you are loving without condition, giving without expectation of a return, pursuing your passion, fulfilling your purpose, and grateful for what and who you have in your life verses what is missing; you will without a doubt be happy. Happiness is simply the result of the expression of one who possesses abundant love and gratitude. For daily positive posts visit! Add caption

Love Is A Gift...

No one stays in your life purely overtaken by your awesomeness, specifically, your significant other. They volunteer to be at your side through the good, the bad, the ugly, and unforseen, no matter what. Thus, such a relationship should consist of the constant reciprocation of consideration, encouragement, and appreciation of each other. Be conscious of the fact that both of you are choosing each other, choosing to work together, accepting your flaws, forgiving your errors, and loving each other for another year, day, hour, or minute. When you are in love you must understand that it should not be merely based on how it makes you feel; the way it fills you up with satisfaction, picks you up when you are down, and takes care of you when you need it most. Your relationship should be anchored in your love of the total sum of the other person and your concern for them and their happiness being as great as your duty and commitment to your own. Love is a beautiful thing, and for it to be shar

Be Yourself

All you can do is your best. In each moment, choose to be positively present, strive for what you want, and focus on the brilliance of the sun or the rainbow after your storm. Follow your heart, bring your mind with you, and live every day as brilliantly as you can. Every day simply be your best you. Stop by and like too for daily inspirational posts.

Put Your Best Thought Foward

When you focus your body, energy, intentions, and mind on being positive, there will be less room for anything else. Refuse to allow the negativity to enter into your space. Become less open and more uncomfortable with sharing your space with things and people who do not serve you or your purpose in the best way. Every hill has its valley and every valley has its hill. Make your position, your perspective, your presence the best representation of what you want to gain and give to and from your world and the people in it. Make the most of every new opportunity to be present and add something positive to the space. Stay strong, be careful, and if nothing else, remember that Gratitude is always the Best Attitude! ~Make sure you check out  for daily positive posts!

Sharing the Joy

You are a blessing, you are beautiful, and you are awesome! Know that your gifts and abilities are a benefit to everyone around you. Only allow those that understand what a great asset you are to have in their lives make their way into your circle. Know that it is a courtesy and a mutual choice to share your space and positivity. Be grateful for those that share your understanding of a healthy relationship and never take what they add to your life for granted. Embrace the joy that living a positive life brings, multiply it amongst those you love, and spread it around. ~Make sure you check out for daily positive posts! Have a Super-Great Weekend!!!

Oh, The Snakes In The Grass...

Nobody is perfect, but some people have taken imperfection to a whole 'nother level. You see them running around all the time, literally, grabbing a double dose of bitter-envy-petty-jelly-haterade every day. Be conscious of your interactions with said people. Negative-Nancy may sneak up on you and rub off. Bitter-Bessy may even attack you, Accusation-Amy may blame you, and Sassy-Stacey could try your patience. Take your time when dealing with the negative people and limit their time in your space. Be carefully mindful with your words so that you can communicate in the most effective and productive way with them. Get your point across without the anger and venom they are prone to spew. Know that people will always have an opinion about you especially when they are not working on themselves. Do not take it personally. They, like you are entitled to their opinion, but remember that you do not have to accept or own it. Sometimes snakes know the right button to push to bring you out of

Happiness Is...

The only thing standing between you and your happiness is your state of mind. Change your perspective and change your life. Only you can control whether you live a life of joy or misery. Decide today: Choose to BE HAPPY and happiness will find you!  Check out http://www.   for more positive posts. Join-Share-Enjoy!  (Pic courtesy of Author Greg Braden)

A New Dawn & A New Day

Every day is worth your best effort. Set your intentions on what you want for your life, for your day, and in the moment. Do your work, but also make time to have fun and enjoy the goodness and blessings life offers you every day. Under any and every circumstance decide to be happy and know that you are blessed. Enjoy your weekend & check out now on fb too! 

The Bright Side...

To truly have a life of purpose with balance, joy, peace, and happiness is to live life in a positive way. Acknowledge that there is a bright side to every situation and all things are working in your favor. Commit to the idea that you can recover from any adversity life may hand you. Only then can you use every experience to better your life. Retraining your mind to find the assets instead of the detriment is vital to living a positive life of joy and gratitude. Count your blessings often. Know that your challenges and struggles are meant to be your tools to get what you want, what you need, and teach you what you must know when trouble arises in the future. Your prior triumphs over trials remind you that you can prevail because you have before. Try not to take everything to heart. Assume that transgressions are not personal and be grateful for timing. The less time you waste on relationships or ventures that fail you, the better. Like the choices of others, there will be some things

After Your Moment...

Your experience begets wisdom. Your thoughts determine your mood. When things go awry, you are allowed to have your moment; take it, but then put it to work for the betterment of you. Make your negative situation a positive lesson, and remember, even when you fall, all that matters is that you get back up!

Hello November!

No matter what life may have in store, know that no matter what, you can choose to use your experiences to benefit. Nothing is too big, too hard, or impossible. You can do whatever you set your mind to. Stay committed and welcome the new opportunities that come with each new experience, new day, month and year.

Thankful Thursday!

#HappyHalloween ! There is always something to be thankful for. When you focus on those things, the trials in your life seem far less relevant. When you remind yourself of where you have been and how far you have come; you will be fearless. Enjoy the blessings you have right now, and relish in their goodness. Let those things fill your heart in place of fear. Believe that everything you experience is meant to pivot you in the right direction even when you can not see your way. Follow me on twitter @_TheAnswerKey &  for more positive posts. Have a super-grateful day!!! ^___^ ~Air Hugs~

No Worries...

When you worry, you put a down payment on a problem that may never come to pass. Avoid thinking negatively about your circumstances and re-direct your thoughts. Remind yourself that you are more than capable of handling any difficulty that may come your way, and you will prevail over any adversity you face. You are truly as strong as you think you are.  Stop by https://www.   now on facebook too!

Something Wonderful!

No matter what the circumstance or trial... see yourself on the other side of it. Determine the steps you need to take to get you where you want to be. Insist on being happy more often, always be grateful, be kind to all especially yourself, and focus on the fact that all trials are temporary. Let that bring you peace in your storm. Lastly, know that you are fully equipped to handle any situation, and believe that good things lie ahead. You just have to make it to the other side of trouble so keep going. You were meant to live a positively happy life and you will if you choose to. Make It A Super-Great Day!  Stop by https://www.   now on facebook too!

Moving Out... Moving On

The people that belong in your circle will be there genuinely contributing positively to your life. Anyone there not serving a positive purpose, taking way more than they give, or causing you hurt, harm, and pain more than support, kindness, and love deserves a second look. That said, when and if someone chooses to move on to the next stage of their journey without you, simply let them. Never beg anyone to stay who wants to go... You do not want or need anyone in your circle that does not feel privileged to be there. Wish them well and let them go. In fact... help them pack! Happy Friday Friends!   Stop by https://www.   now on facebook too!

What Race?

The goal is to finish, complete, and achieve your dreams and aspirations for yourself. No one's pace or drive will be identical to your own. Your most important job is to keep going. Even when you feel that you are drawing close to empty, let your determination be your fuel and push forward. There will be some nay-sayers along the way looking from the outside in, chattering on the side lines, or coaching from the bleachers, but they do not have the final say; you do. There will be those that can not fathom your leaps and bounds, let that be their problem. Know that their limitations do not have to be your own. Let them be who they are, but do not allow their doubts and fears deter, minimize, or sway you from what you know you are fully capable of. Until you are, get, or have your definition, destination, grand finale, or final act, there will be some that will attempt to define you  for  you, but no one can define you better than you can. Pay them no mind, and focus on your next m

New Beginnings

Disappointments, failures, and break-ups can be tough. It can feel devastating, but if you see the hope under any circumstance, the benefit in every trial, the lesson in every failure, and personal gain with every experience, at the end of that rainbow you will have peace. Choose not to dwell on the hurt or disappointment you feel for long. Instead invest your energy into what you can have now if you choose it... focus on the peace you desire and joy you deserve.You can not change the past reliving it in your mind; nothing can be undone. All you can do is move forward as happy and peaceful as you can. Know that there is something better for you, meant for you, and waiting for you, with your name on it.

Keep A Positive Perspective

Set your sights on what you will get out of every experience. No matter how difficult it may seem in the moment, recognize the blessing in the lesson. In every circumstance good, bad, and the debilitating you are meant to gain something, learn something, and grow into a stronger, wiser version of yourself. Like - Now on facebook too! TGIF! Enjoy your weekend!

Take This With Your Breakfast...

Start your day with positive thinking. Positive thinking cultivates positive energy. Let your smile lead the way, bring sunshine into every room you grace with your presence, and expect the best out of every day and everyone. Like - Now on facebook too!

A Great Day, Every Day

Making every day a great day may seem impossible or unrealistic, but the key is to understand that overall everyone has the same goal, to have the good days outweigh the bad. To do that you first must believe that no matter what happens in your day, you will okay, Next, do not charge yourself with a bad day or you will have one. For example, a lot of people automatically hate Mondays. Look, they are coming whether you like it or not. Decide to be open to the awesomeness Monday may bring, the new opportunity to do something great, and face it like a boss saying things like, "I own you Monday!" to get yourself pumped. A great day is easy to come by specifically because you just have to choose it. The kind of day you have should not be determined by anyone but you anyway. That said, if you make up in your mind that the things that bring you joy will always outweigh the things that don't; you are starting off on the right foot. In addition to making the choice, accept that yo

Creating Happiness

Think positively about all of the moving parts on your journey. Whatever is not working positively in your favor should be kept at a distance. Promote, share, and engage in joy in all parts of your life and happiness will be inevitable. Whatever you think about your life, your job, your relationship is true; make sure your thoughts are happy ones. Happy Friday! Like - Now on facebook too! Enjoy your weekend!

Appreciate Your Progress

Most young adults put a lot of unnecessary pressure on themselves to live up to a fantasy. Whether it is self imposed, societal, or parental, the pressure is on. Fortunately, the reality is what you already know for sure; life comes with hills and valleys. Life is work, and everyone is a work in progress. That said, feel free to chase your dreams, love who you love, and create great memories with your friends and family. Let go of the fantasy, and live your life to the best of your ability. As long as you are making you happy, that is what matters most. Dance to the beat of your own drum. People will always have something to say. There will always be someone who thinks they could live your life better than you do. The key is to live a life loving what you do, creating joy as you would have it, and living it at your best according to (your first and last name goes here). Let "them" dwell on how far you have to go. You should only focus on where you are headed, acknowledge how

The Keys to Happy

Every day, spend more time focusing your thoughts and energy on all the things worthy of your gratitude and doing the things that multiply your JOY. You will inevitably be HAPPY! Like - Now on facebook too!

The Better Go-Getter

Focus on prioritizing your day around your goal. Actively invest your time and energy into it every day. Instead of concentrating on the difficulties and obstacles you are facing or will face to achieve it, focus on the small steps you can make to bring you even a little closer to it. Ultimately, you will always get out what you put in so if you are busy putting in doubt, fear, or any kind of negative energy you will be just that, doubtful, fearful, and negative. Be as positive as possible. Focus less on how far you have to go, and more on how far you have come. Know what you want in your future but be grateful for what you already have. While every ambition requires that you set a goal, make a plan, and put the plan into action; remember to appreciate what you do have right now. Acknowledge that life is perfectly imperfect and even so, you are blessed and grateful. You may not have your dream job yet, but you are working. You may not have the man of your dreams, but being alone is bet

Happy October!

Enjoy your life! No matter what challenges may come, your life is worth living... live it to the fullest! Let positivity be your guide through it all. Make this day, this month, this year the best you have ever had. Do something that multiplies your JOY & Live Your Best Life! Like - Now on facebook too!

Okay, There May Be Some Challenges

Life will not always measure up to the joy, excitement, or adven ture you hoped for; rough waves may ensue, but your happiness is the result of your endurance and positive attitude. Even if your run turns into a jog or your jog slows down to a walk keep moving- press forward. Know that you may get a little battered and may even come out with a few scars, but when everything is said and done, you will be victorious. Stop beating yourself up for every mistake. Instead, contemplate what you learned from it, dust yourself off, and try again.  You may be flawed, but who can say they are perfect? Be kinder to you and believe that you can make it through any challenge.  That said, acknowledge what you already know; life will definitely come with challenges, but that is nothing to be afraid of. You are made of resilient matter. Some days will be better or worse than others. All you can do is simply be determined to face your day as best you can.  Your trials are simply lessons; find the blessi

Go BIG and Go Get It!

The only real limitations standing in the way of you and your dreams is your own self-doubt. Believe in yourself and GO GET IT! Happy Friday Friends!!! ~Air Hugs~ ^___^ Like - Now on facebook too!

Happy Steps

Try to make it a great day every time you get the chance.  Start your steps to happiness with this understanding; the first reason to b e happy is in your face as soon as you open your eyes every morning. You have another opportunity to live your life better than you did yesterday.  From the very beginning of your day, as soon as you roll out of bed and start your morning routine, put a smile on your face first. Think about the goals you will accomplish today and go get 'em.  That seems easy enough, but understandably, some days are harder than others. Challenges will come without a doubt and sustaining your happiness may become a challenge in itself. Well, under those circumstances, Oprah says she asks herself 'if you died today would the thing (current issue, problem, hiccup, or obstacle) still bother you'? That is a great way to tone down the magnitude life's challenges when they arise. In addition to that, w hen your happy is dwindling, redirect your thoughts. Put o

Apache Blessing (Happy Monday)

Have a Super-Great Day Everyone! Like - Now on facebook too!

Happy Friday Friends!

Start everyday with a positive perspective, intention, and a smile.  Make Everyday Feel Like Friday!

Want To Be Happy?

First, let us define happy for the sake of clarity. To experience being happy is you first have know it is not external. It is not something you go out and find. It is not something that can be gifted to you; it is the perspective you have while you are on your journey to your purpose, your passion, and your dreams fulfilled- not the destination itself. Some people make the mistake of missing this point, and in doing so falsely attach their happiness to other people or stuff. While the awesome partner, job, car, house, friends, and vacation may enhance your happiness, none of them should define it. Still, need a road map to being happy? Well, the first thing you have to master is gratitude. Appreciate what you have right now,  every little thing; great weather, a good meal, birds singing, a great episode of your favorite show. No matter what, always see through a lens of gratitude. It is an upper for joy. Secondly, embrace every obstacle with the intention of being better prepared fo

REPOST: The Difficult People

There are some people in our lives that are a little harder to love. Try as you might, you can not overlook the extensive amount of energy they drain from you. Be it the Debbie-downers who can never find something to get happy about no matter how good life gets, or the drama queens that always catch every earth shattering problem of the world on their everso fragile shoulders; everyone has at least one of these. By no means can you ignore Too-Chatty-Kathy, you simply can not tell her anything you deem a secret or not already public knowledge e.g. the sky is blue. There is also the selfish attention seeker to whom nothing is nearly ever as important as anything they have to do or say for themselves or the cynic for which everything is falling apart instead of into place. They are truly convinced that they know all that is wrong with the world-everything. Well, the one thing we know for sure is that they all need love too. Their issue, whichever it may be, is only a part of their whole.

The Good Life*

Life is too short to dwell on the negative. No matter how greatly you feel you have been wronged, betrayed, or disrespected, maintain peace in your life and moving forward is vital to your happiness. In life you will experience major trials and triumphs. Make sure you take a moment to appreciate your triumphs as they come; do not take them for granted, but you also should remember to turn every trial or failure into a lesson. Under every circumstance search for it. Grab hold of how your trial is meant to help you be a better you. Choose to learn from even the most miserable experiences and refuse to let them direct your life down the wrong path. Committing to moving in a positive direction after a trial is your first step forward. Moving forward requires you to let go, release, forgive, and overlook your defeats, transgressions, flaws, and faults. Take advantage of the opportunity to do and be better. Know that even your worst experience can make a positive impact on your life if you c

Add More Gratitude, Smile, and Stir!


The Positive Spin

Sometimes you can trick yourself into a certain train of thought, an approach, or reaction because of your pride, your hurt, dismay, or fear is leading your response. However, if you choose to think consciously affirming the most positive thought, approach, reaction, or outcome, that will stimulate the circumstance that best benefits you in the long run. If you spend your time focusing on the way life has dealt you a bad hand, you can easily distract yourself from the opportunities life is presenting to you for growth in the wake of your trials.When situations and circumstances are difficult, painful, or unexpectedly disappointing they can also stir up disheartening and discouraging feelings in you too. While that may be an understandable immediate reaction given the predicament; it is important that you do not allow yourself to dwell in that place. Wasting time ignoring focusing on what your life is missing will not help you get it any sooner. In fact, it will stunt the growth and con

So You Had a Bad Day

Bad days happen to the best of us. It can be so hard to get out of a funk sometimes. It can literally change your day and ultimately change your life. Negative situations and people can adversely alter your mood at their whim until you learn your go-to moves. Your go-to moves are they things you do to change your mood, promote positive energy, and increase your joy. Whether it is yoga, your favorite movie, t.v. show, or singing along to your favorite song; having a go-to response to a negative situation, moment, or mood is much needed for living a happy life. While we are human and are very much entitled to our feelings as they come, when they are hurt, disappointed, or rejected it should be your goal to be powered by a positive perspective. Instead of dwelling on the problem, mishap, stumble, or dreadful circumstance, focus your energy on the solution if there is one, and when there is not, find acceptance and as quickly as possible, let it go. The only thing you have power over is yo

What Stress?

Stress can be brought on by a plethora of things; many times your stress can be triggered by the actions of others. In those instances, keep in mind that how other people act is totally beyond your control. No matter how wrong you believe they are, how you respond to their actions is the only thing entirely up to you. Choose the action that best benefits you. Forgive, move on, let go when necessary, and know that there is room for something better to come into your life. The unknown is another popular catalyst. The unknown circumstances simply require that you do things from a place of hope or faith not knowing if the outcome will help or hinder you in the future, but knowing you can handle it either way. There are infinite circumstances that can cause stress. Now ask yourself, have you ever been stressed about a situation or circumstance only to find that things work themselves out perfectly and possibly to your benefit? The weight and heaviness is lifted, but you will never get back

A Better (not Bitter) Beginning

Far too often you may bring baggage into new relationships that should have been left behind. Do not allow the faults of your former love to take a front seat in your new relationship. Take time to heal first. That will give the new person on their way into your life the opportunity to earn your love with a clean slate. Do not make your new partner pay the penalty for the transgressions of your former love. That will only make your new partner resentful and perhaps create issues for your relationship that would not otherwise be there.Whatever you do, make sure all of your experiences count towards making you the best you in your future relationship. Learn what you needed to take away from that experience and let it go. Do that as soon as you possibly can; dwelling on the past will stunt your growth. Let go of the woulda, shoulda, coulda, and get with the IS and AM. The next relationship IS going to be better and I AM going to be a better partner because of what I have learned, will giv

Happy For Who?

Have an appreciation for the blessings of others makes. This practice will make you more open to joy in general verses that solely based on your own accomplishments. Embrace the blessings bestowed on others in your circle with the same enthusiasm you would have for yourself. Appreciating the pleasantries, accomplishments, and successes occurring within your circle creates good, positive energy exchanges. Stay in the positive and share in each others joy. Everything that is meant for someone else, even if it may be something you want as well, brings positivity to your whole. Someone else's success or accomplishment does not lessen your chances with your blessing. That said, simply appreciate the fact that this is their time and be happy for them. Be so happy for others that it overflows into your own life. Your blessings will come in the time that is most perfect for you and your life. The best thing you can do for yourself is learn to be happy for other people's successes and a

A Gift To Yourself

Forgiveness is a choice. It can not be made without making the decision to forgive and taking the steps to get you there. The first step is to start with yourself. Acknowledge the role you play in your situation. It is much easier to point out the defects, poor choices, and bad behavior of someone else, but it is more helpful to accept what you have done, and what you will do differently to avoid the same situation later. In examining your own defects, poor choices, and mis-behavior you may find compassion for your loved one. At the very least, you will have a better understanding of yourself and the role you played in the situation and what you can do differently. Next, when you are no longer angry, address the issue head on. You can not expect anyone to read your mind or know the importance of your issue, if it is not important enough to you to address it. Know that addressing it is not asking for an argument, but looking for a resolution. Make your intention clear so the other party

The Bitter People

Be conscious of who and what you allow into your space. You do not have to obligate yourself to the negative experience others bring with them. That baggage is for them to sort out. Do not allow yourself to be ultimately affected by their stuff. Why did the chicken cross the road? Well, she may have seen that bitter goose headed her way. You have to learn to dodge the bitter people when you can, and not feel guilty about it. Misery loves company, but she does not have many friends. Know yourself and what you can handle. Your wellness is your top priority. Evaluate and assess your relationships whenever necessary and make the changes to those relationships that best serve you. If someone is not investing positivity into your life, they probably do not belong there for an extended period of time. While there is nothing wrong with helping people in need, know the difference between aiding someone and being used. Some would argue to just completely remove the negative, bitter, miserable pe

Hello Trouble

We put a lot of unnecessary pressure on ourselves to live up to a fantasy, but the reality is that life comes with problems. Life takes work, without work there can be no growth, no progress and we are all works in progress. That said, if you accomplished everything at once, what would tomorrow bring? What goal could you set that would challenge you, motivate you, test you, or inspire you? Challenges are a matter of perspective. They arise in the form of trouble, however, their true purpose is to reveal to you how far you have come and how much you have grown. Every obstacle is only as great as you make up in your mind to be. Understand that trials are merely lessons and experiences that are there to remind you that life can be unpredictable, uneasy, and sometimes down right scary. The result reminds you that you are strong and can handle anything. While no one should welcome trouble, do not run from it either. Know that every obstacle in life is actually an opportunity to challenge yo

The Hills and Valleys

Life is full of hills and valleys. Recognize your moments on the hills as the wonderful moments they are and take it all in. Do not waste time up there worrying about the next valley. Give those moments the time they deserve. Be happy and be grateful for them as the blessings they are. When the valleys come, take them in stride. Embrace them for what they are- time to show yourself what you are really made of. Show your strength, affirm your faith, and keep moving forward knowing that with every valley you are on the upswing to something better. Do not get stuck, stranded, or stagnant. Do not lie down or quit. Pay attention. The valleys are there to teach you something about yourself you may not have known before, reaffirm what you already knew, or re-establish what you knew and lost along the way. Both hills and valleys are blessings to your life- embrace them both equally. Remember that in every situation and circumstance, this is your life. No matter what opinion anyone else may hav

Mutual Satisfaction

Effective communication is a key component in all relationships. Yes, the casual, professional, and intimate ones alike. In those relationships their will come times where there will be a difference in opinion. Sometimes there will be a need for uncomfortable conversations. Part of being an effective communicator is knowing that those conversations can be had when you focus on the bullets and not the frivolous details with consideration of the other parties feelings. Ignoring the necessity of effective communication will only leave you wanting and without which will soon be accompanied by resentment and frustration if they are not already present. You want the other party to not just hear what you are saying but fully understand and process how you came to your conclusion and commit to doing the same for them as well. Know how to discuss and not argue. The difference between the two is that one is a back and forth with a commitment to understanding, the other is submitting a defense or

Go Getter

Make a conscious effort to focus less on what you have not achieved or how long it may take you to get to your goal, and get busy reaching for it. Focus on prioritizing your day around your goal. Focus less on how far you have to go, and more on how far you have come. You have to learn to stop feeding your anxieties and disappointments. It takes up too much time and energy. Both your time and energy can be put to better use planning the course of action needed to get what you want. The time you spend feeding your losses and disappointments could be better used investing in the things necessary to get where, what, or becoming who you want to be. Actively invest your time and energy into your goal every day verses concentrating on the difficulties and obstacles you are or will face to achieve it. If you are busy putting in doubt, fear, or any kind of negative energy you will be just that, doubtful, fearful, and negative.Set a goal, make a plan, and put the plan into action, but most impo

For Your Joy

It is easy to be elated when something goes your way, but can you be genuinely happy for someone else's success? It is so important to be happy for others and share in their joy as well.While it may be easy and maybe even your initial thought to compare yourself, the practice should be to share in their joy. Life is a journey, not a race. It does not matter how quickly you succeed, but only that you do so in your own time, full of passion, and driven by your purpose. On the way to where you want to go you will come across other successful people. Make sure you remind yourself, that is meant for you is already yours. Having an appreciation for the blessings of others makes you more open to joy and happier in general verses the instances solely based on your own accomplishments. Embrace the blessings bestowed on others with the same enthusiasm you would have for yourself. Appreciate the fact that this is their time and be happy for them.There are plenty of blessings to go around. Eve

Oh The People

Surround yourself with people that will uplift and embrace you. Always maintain relationships where you are giving and receiving love, support, and consideration more often than not. It is perfectly okay to be content with who you are in your life right now regardless of who has decided to leave it. Know that their leaving made more room for the like-minded people, the happy people, drama-free people, ambitious people, or whatever people that are more like you to make their grand entrance into your life. The people that would appreciate you, support you, and see you as an asset to them and a blessing in their lives, those are the ones you keep. When you know that you bring more joy and laughter than hurt or criticism, more love than harm, more gratitude than judgement, more solutions than problems, and  give more often than you take, you have no need to beg, plead, or desire anyone to be in your life that does not want to be there. Have relationships with people who see your worth and

The Peaceful Sleeping Method

This peaceful sleeping method requires only a few small yet effective techniques to add to your nightly routine that will help you avoid the sleepless nights and the morning fog. The first thing you need to do is to change or add to your pre-sleep down-time . A nightly down-time routine preps your body for bed time. Start your down-time routine at least an hour before sleep time. For example, turn off the big bright lights and use the accent lights in your house instead. Also, avoid eating any heavy meals close to bedtime. Your body digests food better in an upright position. Lastly, you could do things that would make your morning routine smoother such as laying out your outfit or packing your lunch. After down-time, you need to unwind and unburden yourself. Your bedtime routine should consist of the steps you take to best prepare yourself for sleep. Stretch, meditate, read- detox your mind from the day's clutter. Free yourself from the issues that plague you and may keep you u