
Showing posts from April, 2022

Energy Restored

 There can be times that you have given your very last bit of energy, and find yourself feeling depleted. Whether it is to a job, a relationship, an event, and juggling multiple things at once, you can find yourself in need of restoration. In these moments, it is important to address it as soon as possible. It can only get worse if you do not address it, and will require even more time to come back from it. Do not ignore the symptoms, and hope for the best. Actively work on restoring and renewing your energetic cupboards. Invest in yourself. Begin with self care. Take as break from everyone and everything that drains you, and take care of yourself. Whatever your self care looks like, do that, take no calls, and intentionally bring positive energy to you with all of your senses. Your rejuvenated Self will thank you.  ~ For more positive posts stop by  & tweet me    @_TheAnswerKey  daily!

The Road to Success

Every part of your journey is necessary to obtain and maintain  success once you have it.  At times, success can seem impossible, intangible, incongruous, or incredulous, but you are made stronger than your struggle. The road to success can seem long and tiring, but you never know what is awaiting you around the next bend. Keep going even if you have to pull over for a little while, know that the work you put in will pay off in the end. Get back on track, and enjoy the view on the way to the top. ~For more positive posts stop by & tweet me @_TheAnswerKey daily!