
Showing posts from March, 2023

Day By Day

Continue to express your gratitude for all that you have, will gain, and even your losses that blessed your life by leaving. Have faith that all of it happens with good reason. As you go forward keep that in mind.  Know that you can handle trials and triumph just the same, with grace, dignity, resilience, gratitude, and a humble heart.  ~ For more positive posts stop by  & tweet me  @_TheAnswerKey  daily!  


They will always think what they want, and there is nothing you can do about it. Now, you be the judge. Judge for yourself. Look yourself in the mirror and answer to you. Everyone else's take is just their opinion. The ideas they have formed about who they think you are have nothing to do with you, who you are, or who you are becoming. Even for the people that matter, whose opinions you hope are positive and at the very least, pragmatic- they only know some of your depth. Even they can not attest to your every challenge, consideration, conquest, desire or fear. Speak for yourself and speak up. Make sure you get your attention, and get to the business of being someone you would speak highly of.  ~ For more positive posts stop by  & tweet me  @_TheAnswerKey  daily!