Carpe Diem!*

Most of us, including myself can be our own worst critics. We harp on ourselves about all the things we haven't done, been, seen, or accomplished in our lives. While we all have a plan, we must remember that the plan is a mere outline of what we anticipate happening or doing, but life, is full of surprises. No one knows all that their life will entail loaded with its unforeseen hiccups, blunders, and out right regrettable moments. How ever it unfolds, we have to mellow out a little, and allow ourselves trials and most especially a few errors. We need to acknowledge that hindsight should be 20/20, but it doesn't always happen that way, and every once in a while someone pushes the repeat button. At best, we can hope to recognize the repetition, and make a better decision the second or third time around, but we mustn't continuously punish ourselves for the things and decisions we have not perfected or accomplished.

Live every day with more intensity, purpose, and passion and less self-ridicule. For starters, love the one you're with (especially if you are by yourself) and show them your love consciously. Enjoy your time together immensely. Love them with such great intensity that when you take your last breath, you'll know you have no regrets when it comes to your love because you purposely loved them as if every day was your last day together. Now that doesn't mean show up at their job and just watch them work- that's called stalking, but if you do little things like enjoying an embrace a little longer, squeezing a little tighter, taking the time to inhale their scent, listen to their heart beat, and connect with their energy- that is living in the moment and for today in your relationship. In our relationships, occupations, and with ourselves- we could all think of 5 ways we could be better, but no one has achieved perfection so take it easy on yourself- progress is what truly matters. Embrace who you have become so far and the growth you have made from who you once were. We could use a little extra effort in some areas, but I'm sure we could use and a little less criticism in everything too.

Keep your hopes and dreams and the actions you take to achieving them close to the front of your mind daily, but minimize the pressure. Have an appreciation for the place you are in right now. Understand that there is a purpose for where you are and a reason for why you are not where you would like to be. Make a plan and act on that plan daily and accordingly, but also with the acceptance that your place right now is likely meant to teach and prepare you to be and stay where you want to go.

There is still a lot of life left to live, and focusing more on our list of accomplishments verses our bucket list will help us live that life to the fullest. Why not embrace your current place and circumstance or standing for what it is? Anyone who reaches "the end" of their rainbow finds a new goal waiting for them so there is no rush. Carpe Diem! Make the most of every day you are in and remember that doing so should not always consist of reviewing the many ways you 'have not yet' but the many ways 'you have' made the most of life and the day you're in. In everything you do, I hope you are passionate about it, let it have a true purpose in your life, and when you pour your intensity and effort in, may it breathe longevity into your experiences, accomplishments, and meaningful relationships.


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