
Showing posts from July, 2020

The Beauty of Life Right Now

Let us take a collective breath... a beat... a pause... a moment and show some love, gratitude, and acknowledgement to the magic that exists in the simple beauty of this time despite the chaos and uncertainty. Certainly, recent times have proven that both can exist simultaneously, that people can be kind while others are hateful, that some can be ethical while others are unscrupulous, some can be educated while others are ignorant. For this moment, you can choose to appreciate the beauty that exists right now: a long overdue phone call over a quick text, a day of boredom instead of rushing from one obligation to the next, a break from a stressful job and time to search for a new one, quality time with your loved ones instead of living like passing ships in the night, and the freedom to stay up late or sleep in and catch up on much needed rest instead of managing your life under extreme exhaustion. Let us take a collective breath and see the beauty of life right now. If you look clo

Just Keep Going

For today and every single day after, I hope that you stay encouraged. There is something unique and wonderful you were meant to add to the world. If you find yourself feeling like you are less than in any way, remember where you started, why you got started in the first place, and keep pursuing your passion. Please believe your presence is no accident.  ~For more positive posts stop by  & tweet me  @_TheAnswerKey  daily!