
Showing posts from December, 2020

It's A Celebration!

Now more than ever celebrating and appreciating the people and things in your life is the best way to keep your spirits lifted. This year was a challenging one. Even still, it came with its own blessings. It reminded everyone of who and what is most important to them and forced a reset of everyone's priorities. Now that the reset button has been pushed, next year should come with more focus on the people you hold dear, more time for self care, and all of your priorities already in check.  ~For more positive posts stop by  & tweet me    @_TheAnswerKey   daily!

Happy December!

 You made it to December! This year is coming to a close. While the optimism that came with its arrival may have dwindled quickly, and for many it may have disappeared entirely, there is still time for this year to go in your win column. Understandably, this year has come with a great deal of challenges, but it also gave everyone an opportunity to be more thoughtful, generous, and grateful. Even with all of its unprecedented challenges, this year has served as a constant reminder that life can be short and fragile, that the busy business that is the rushed, frantic, or chaotic way of living is not the only way to live, and making time to stay put and enjoy the people and the things you have worked so hard for can be time well spent.  ~For more positive posts stop by  & tweet me    @_TheAnswerKey   daily!