Mutual Satisfaction

Effective communication is a key component in all relationships. Yes, the casual, professional, and intimate ones alike. In those relationships their will come times where there will be a difference in opinion. Sometimes there will be a need for uncomfortable conversations. Part of being an effective communicator is knowing that those conversations can be had when you focus on the bullets and not the frivolous details with consideration of the other parties feelings. Ignoring the necessity of effective communication will only leave you wanting and without which will soon be accompanied by resentment and frustration if they are not already present. You want the other party to not just hear what you are saying but fully understand and process how you came to your conclusion and commit to doing the same for them as well. Know how to discuss and not argue. The difference between the two is that one is a back and forth with a commitment to understanding, the other is submitting a defense or rebuttal. Proper communication gives the other party the opportunity to have a better understanding of your position and vice versa. That can potentially be the motivation for both parties to make a compromise. It may be a simple oversight on ones part that can be easily corrected or a simple misunderstanding. Effective communication will clear that up. That clarity between you is absolutely necessary to figure out your next course of action. No matter how difficult or scary a discussion may be, the clarity is priceless, and having that information will lead you to what needs to be done to rectify your discrepancy. The best way to move forward is with the power of clarity and forgiveness. Only then will you gain mutual satisfaction.


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