A Recipe for Joy
Every day, add more gratitude to stir up more joy in your life, and remember that every intention you put behind your thoughts will show up. Start looking for the many things in your life to be grateful for and you will find them. Commit to seeing what it is you want more of in your life and consciously appreciating what you already have. Practice gratitude and find an infinite number of things to appreciate. They will begin to multiply and outweigh any negativity or adversity in your life. If you want more joy bring it with you wherever you go. When you express gratitude things, acts, and people to be grateful for will emerge that outwardly make you happy, but ultimately you are only as happy as you can make up in your mind to be; in the midst of that happiness you will find joy. ~For a dose of positivity every day, follow www.twitter.com/_TheAnswerKey & like the https://www.facebook.com/TheAnswerKey -now on facebook too!
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