Want To Be Happy?
First, let us define happy for the sake of clarity. To experience being happy is you first have know it is not external. It is not something you go out and find. It is not something that can be gifted to you; it is the perspective you have while you are on your journey to your purpose, your passion, and your dreams fulfilled- not the destination itself. Some people make the mistake of missing this point, and in doing so falsely attach their happiness to other people or stuff. While the awesome partner, job, car, house, friends, and vacation may enhance your happiness, none of them should define it. Still, need a road map to being happy? Well, the first thing you have to master is gratitude. Appreciate what you have right now, every little thing; great weather, a good meal, birds singing, a great episode of your favorite show. No matter what, always see through a lens of gratitude. It is an upper for joy. Secondly, embrace every obstacle with the intention of being better prepared for the next gift this life will hand you. Know that your grayest cloud weighed down with your greatest problem is wrapped in a silver lining. That job you lost, relationship that did not work out, or pound you could not lose no matter how many miles you put on that treadmill, does not and will not equate your level of happy. Even under the worst circumstances seek out your happy because it is in there somewhere. Like lost keys, you can lose it, but you commit to the search to find it as soon as possible or replace it with the the duplicate you stash in a safe place. If you want to be happy, simply do more of the things that make you happy more often. At the end of the day, you just choose. Knowing it is a choice is the key. Choose to be happy if for no other reason than the fact that on your worst or last day, you will never regret it.
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