The Bitter People
Be conscious of who and what you allow into your space. You do not have to obligate yourself to the negative experience others bring with them. That baggage is for them to sort out. Do not allow yourself to be ultimately affected by their stuff. Why did the chicken cross the road? Well, she may have seen that bitter goose headed her way. You have to learn to dodge the bitter people when you can, and not feel guilty about it. Misery loves company, but she does not have many friends. Know yourself and what you can handle. Your wellness is your top priority. Evaluate and assess your relationships whenever necessary and make the changes to those relationships that best serve you. If someone is not investing positivity into your life, they probably do not belong there for an extended period of time. While there is nothing wrong with helping people in need, know the difference between aiding someone and being used. Some would argue to just completely remove the negative, bitter, miserable people in your life, but that is much easier said than done. People are more complicated than that. Bitter Bessy is not always bitter. Miserable Milly is not always miserable. Jealous Jenny can be generous. Everyone has their qualities and flaws. If your responsibility to your relationships hinders on them being perfect, prepare to be very lonely. That said, It is imperative to accept your differences, create the space necessary to protect yourself, and limit the access and affect negative people have on your life.
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