The Good Life*

Life is too short to dwell on the negative. No matter how greatly you feel you have been wronged, betrayed, or disrespected, maintain peace in your life and moving forward is vital to your happiness. In life you will experience major trials and triumphs. Make sure you take a moment to appreciate your triumphs as they come; do not take them for granted, but you also should remember to turn every trial or failure into a lesson. Under every circumstance search for it. Grab hold of how your trial is meant to help you be a better you. Choose to learn from even the most miserable experiences and refuse to let them direct your life down the wrong path. Committing to moving in a positive direction after a trial is your first step forward. Moving forward requires you to let go, release, forgive, and overlook your defeats, transgressions, flaws, and faults. Take advantage of the opportunity to do and be better. Know that even your worst experience can make a positive impact on your life if you choose to find it. Embrace your life and all the experiences you have survived and prevailed over while you continue to live it positively under any means necessary. For some that may require making some adjustments, but they are well worth it in the long run. Life is fleeting. Reflect on and appreciate what all of your experiences, good and bad, have taught you. Utilize the tools your experiences have given you to succeed on your journey and live a wonderfully happy, positive life. Focus on your opportunities, advantages, benefits and blessings verses your let-downs, disappointments, regrets, or misfortunes. Let your thoughts, your intentions, and lessons push you in a positive direction to the best life you can live.


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