The 3 Must Haves for A Happy, Healthy Relationship

Men and women alike want and need 3 things in their relationship: validation, reciprocation, and appreciation. Validation is so important because it lets your partner know that you not only hear but you understand their point of view. That does not mean you have to agree with it, but it lets them know you respect and acknowledge how they feel. In my opinion, this is the hardest part of being in a relationship and even harder when you're in a disagreement. You actually have to set aside your own feelings and perspective on the matter despite how passionately you feel and disagree. Often times we disagree with someone and spend most of the discussion trying to convince them instead of listening and validating their right to feel the way they feel. Validation takes practice, but its definitely a relationship necessity.

Reciprocation is really self-explanatory. Relationships are truly defined in give and take, being equally yoked, ying and yang- you get the picture. With that said, giving is a wonderful feeling if not better than receiving, but imagine how you would feel if you made an investment and saw no return. Bec a mindful recipient. This isn't just in things but throughout the totality of your relationship. Be conscious of what is being given to you and be grateful enough to give back. There is nothing more natural than the feeling you get when you are given something. Who doesn't want to fell joyous and loved- we all can appreciate that. So remember that, and give back. In this case, size doesn't matter; the fact that someone thought enough of you to give to (invest in) you calls for you to show them that the feeling is mutual.

On that note, lets talk about appreciation. Appreciation is such an intrical part of a healthy relationship. I can not express that enough. The fact that your partner acknowledges your efforts is not only a necessity for a happy and healthy relationship, but it's critical and often overlooked. To your benefit, showing your appreciation encourages the repetition of said effort, but more importantly, it lets your partner know that their effort did not go unnoticed. Being appreciative will undoubtedly avoid resentment, frustration, and can even relieve stress. It is the best medicine on a bad day. It gives you a sense of pride. It can lift your spirits from the dumps and literally give you an emotional boost. here's a statement we all can agree on- being appreciated makes you feel good. You should always want your partner to feel good and showing some appreciation is one of the best way to do it and it costs you absolutely nothing so there's no need to delay. Show some appreciation TODAY! =)

So here's the key; make the person you are with feel, have, and receive all the things you want out of your relationship. Show your partner how to love you by being the kind of partner you want to have. If you want someone attentive, be attentive; if you want someone fun, be fun; if you want someone affectionate, be affectionate. At the end of the day, you can not ask or expect someone else to do or be what you have not achieved for yourself. Practice being the kind partner you want to have.


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