
Showing posts from September, 2012

A Better Way to Be Single

If you are single and getting yourself together, congratulations on learning how to be comfortable with being by yourself. Some people become relationship hoppers. They can barely make it through two months of facing themselves in the mirror and once they are dating, watch out! Before you know it, they will be moving in or at least fantasizing about it. I am so glad you realized that there is nothing wrong with embracing your hiatus and focusing on yourself, healing the wounds whatshis/hername may have left, and just being content with being with you. Kudos! You are already ten steps ahead of your competition. For the rest of you, you may be simply single or already single and looking; whenever the latter is the case, take applications and lots of them. Keep an open-mind while dating.While you may not think someone is "the one" at first glance, you never know. Dating an unlikely candidate could surprise you. To be perfectly honest, every date may not be marriage materia...

The Joy Grind

I noticed that when I counsel someone of our generation there has been an ongoing trend. Most of their fears come from a place of inferiority. Whether it is their parents, their spouse, their friends or just society in general, their greatest fear is not living up to someone else's expectation. I figured, what if we all changed the game? What if we decided that way of living was no longer acceptable? We spend most of our lives trying to achieve, succeed, impress or be the best at something, but I think it is time we give ourselves a break. Sure, I know we all can not just quit going to work, not show up for appointments, and stop paying bills, we still have to be responsible, but I am simply suggesting that those things stop being all that we do. Let me be the first to let you off the hook. Now, I know what you are thinking- time is precious. Any time not spent on the grind is time wasted, not true. While time is one of few things we can not do over, get back, return, o...

Hit or Miss? Pinterest Monday

Last week I went on my Pinterest and combed through hundreds, possibly thousands of home remedies, recipes, DIY projects to attempt, things to do, places to visit, magic tricks, and amazing dream trips for my bucket list, and I got to thinking about how many of them were not real, would not work, and would basically be an epic fail. Not necessarily the places but the remedies recipes, projects, tricks and tips that I have been storing for "one day". Well, the day has come, several days in fact. I must say for the most part, I was pleasantly surprised. The first DIY trick I tackled was homemade shaving gel. The pin I have claimed that it would be a money saver, and it asserts I would have smoother legs, a closer shave, and my blade would last longer. While I can not speak to the shelf-life of my razor just yet, I will tell you that this is definitely a Hit in my book. It took under five minutes to make with baby oil, shampoo, conditioner, and lotion. I shaved my legs lickity...

Passing the Plateau- The Wicked Weight-loss

Sometimes when you are trying to lose weight you can come to a plateau. It may seem like no matter how hard you work, how accountable you are, or how many yucky, fat-free, low cal. pieces of cardboard you ingest, you just can not lose; if you do it is not nearly as fast as it was in the beginning, and at best it is only a pound or two. Sound familiar? I have been there. It can be discouraging even depressing. So what do you do when you run into a weight-loss road block? First and foremost, do not give up. Continue to count your calories, eat healthy, workout, drink plenty of water, and gain a better understanding of your body. Your body is very smart. It can get used to your workout routine, your eating habits, and become comfortable with your weight loss thus far. That said, you need to shake things up a bit. Do not change the game, change the rules. Losing weight takes work and commitment, but it also takes movement. Start by trying a completely different workout routine than y...

Give the Grudge the Boot

Holding a grudge actually holds you back from moving forward. It keeps a piece of you stagnant, stuck in the past, grounded to a situation that can not be undone.   I am not saying you can not be hurt or angry- you are human, but do not sew that emotion into the fabric of who you are, and carry it with you.  I too have been wronged, hurt, and betrayed before and it is no fun, but let me tell you- the ones that do those things to you will suffer far longer than you ever could if you would just let it go as soon as possible.  Holding a grudge alters your energy.  It changes the energy you give off as well. That said, t here are plenty of real tragedies in life, try not to sweat the small stuff, and just live.  Breathe peace into your heart and over your life. Stay in a positive place, learn from the experience, and do not let it happen again.  Learn to let go, and just b e grateful for even the smallest blessings because you would miss them if they were not ...