Just Live Your Life For You
A life lived with authenticity, fun, intensity, and an open heart is a life worth living. Live your life with the intent to enjoy it. Be happy on purpose. Live in the moment, try something new, and do what you love. The doubt, the fear, the hesitation, and reluctance that vibrates off of others into your space is merely a reflection of their minimalism. Those restrictions are not your own. Do not be insulted by their limitations. They can only see at eye level. You, on the other hand, know you have a gift, desire genuinely authentic experiences, know what your purpose is or are seeking it, and intend to use it. There is nothing wrong with you expressing yourself with the motive of showing up in your own life as a presence that is living the most genuine life you can in your most natural, unique, and extraordinary way. Be an example of proof that one can live their life wholeheartedly without penalty or guilt. Give yourself credit for the small steps you take in the right direction, accepting your flaws but focusing on your progress. Give yourself permission to be different and like it, still knowing you are imperfect. As often as you can, also give yourself an opportunity to shine your light, even if it is just for the sake of authenticity and no reward, pay off, or recognition to speak of comes with it as a result; do it anyway. Just live your life. ~For more positive post stop by www.twitter.com/_TheAnswerKey & fb.me/TheAnswerKey daily!
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