Utilize The VIBE!
Let the good vibes run your day, seep into your thoughts, and flow out from your soul. Take a deep breath- you can not solve everything at once, and everything can not hurt you all at once either. Give yourself the opportunity to seek, find, and apply a solution, answer, response, or explanation even if it is a temporary one while you determine what the best course of action would be for a more permanent resolve. In the meantime, be grateful for time (however little of it you think you have) to process every unfortunate circumstance while you determine what act would result in the best reality for your situation to your benefit, clarity, or vindication. No matter what issues may arise or how difficult a problem may be, remain grateful for options, opportunity, and optimism. Know that there is something to be gained from your experience no matter how awful things may seem in the moment- stay positive. Be grateful for what you are meant to receive as its revelation is on its way whethe...