Be Different

No matter how scary the unknown may be, commit and prepare today to go for what you really want this new year. If things could be better, you need a change, or you know you took a wrong turn somewhere, this coming year is your time to make it right and adjust accordingly. Do not let your fear of the unknown debilitate you. Do not be stifled by the comfort of the monotony you know and let the reward of a little discomfort in effort and hard work pass you by. The beauty of this life is the freedom and power you possess to make it as you wish with no excuses or explanations needed. This year, you can choose to make the moves that best serve you and do not apologize for it. Let that be the first difference you make between this year and the last; having no excuses, explanations or apologies for aligning yourself with the intentional energy, attention, and effort to invest, create, and start living the life of your choosing. Life is cyclical so in choosing to give your life your best everyday, the best days of your life will always be waiting for you. This year, choose to do something different- the best is yet to come. ~For more positive posts stop by & tweet me @_TheAnswerKey daily!


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