The Opportunity in Your Obstacles

Your future is determined by your faith. Even in challenges and disappointments, take a moment to step outside of the emotions and tap into your awareness. Remind yourself that every experience offers an opportunity for you to grow, learn, or better yourself, but only if you are open to it. Sometimes may be harder than others depending on the circumstance, but if there is nothing else you can know for sure, know that there is always a lesson to be learned, a purpose for your peril, or clarity to be revealed and applied from each experience especially the most difficult ones. Every time you acknowledge your obstacles as sources of opportunity to move yourself closer to your dream, success, and greatness- you win. As long as you refuse to allow challenges to deter you from your destiny, no matter the obstacle, the struggle, delay, or difficulty, you will rise above it, prosper, and succeed because when you focus on the right thing, you can do anything. ~For more positive posts & tweet me @_TheAnswerKey daily!


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