Love Hard

Love requires a certain amount of vulnerability that does not necessarily come naturally to everybody, but when it does, love can bubble to the surface and reveal a delicate soul full of unconscious openness- so open that its ability to regulate itself is still a young muscle. That said, if you can love like that you also have to be conscious of that muscle's unfortunate exposure and weakness. Understand that there are people that look for your kind and prey on you. All of your talents and beams of awesomeness overflow abundantly and because you are extremely generous with your gifts you must also be very careful. While it is a wonderful thought that no one would dare see your greatness for what it is and take advantage, over indulge, abuse, or empty your supply- you are mistaken. Some people will be intoxicated by your great expression of love and want so much of it that there is little left for yourself. Remember to leave room for you too. For you to really love like you want to, you have to start with you first. Always take time to restore, replenish, and rejuvenate yourself to avoid depletion and love as hard as you can, but always within reason. 
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