Be Responsible

Because children are so pure they can pick up on the energy of the people around them. At their core, they are innately attracted to good energy and avoid the negative ones. They forgive quickly and love unconditionally. They are inherently responsible for their energy and when they are agitated or upset they quickly find a way to rebound and reason to change the space they are in if it does not positive serve them. Let us focus more on the energy we bring like children do. If you are having a moment, okay, get yourself together then refocus your energy toward what is good, how blessed you are, and be positive. Do whatever is necessary to find peace, balance, acceptance, and contentment even through challenges. That will redirect your attitude and filter your energy. Light some candles, take a long bath, or do some yoga, do whatever it takes to bring you back to center- back to peace. Always remember that energy is transferable so it is imperative that you find what will lift you out of a dark, bitter, angry, fearful, frustrated, or sad space. More often than not let the energy you express be positive, kind, cheerful, and pleasant, but if you can not be any of those at least be calm, at peace, or silent and be responsible for the energy you bring. If only everyone could be like children when it comes to the energy they bring; the world would be better off. In the meantime, be sure to do your part, and be responsible for the energy you bring. ~Come check out & for more positive posts.


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