The Most Important Job You'll Ever Have

Your most important job in this life is to live it to the best of your ability and live in a space of self-accountability. That means that you are to live it to the fullest with as much happiness and positivity as you can squeeze into each day, learn from and forgive yourself for all of your mistakes, spread love and joy as often as you can, and attempt to be that much better than you were yesterday. Whether that is in your relationship, your occupation, or your own self being, your job is to continuously strive to be better. That said, how much better can you be if you let the shadow of misery, bitterness, resentment, hate, or stress of others cloud your energy? That is like fighting two opponents with one hand tied behind your back. Just because it can be done, does not make it fair. Unfortunately, you will encounter people who have no real concept of boundaries or limitations, and those are likely the ones that will dump their trash in your lap. They may even expect you to wallow in it with them, don't. You simply can not allow anyone to muck up your day or your spirit with their negativity. It is perfectly rational and a very human response to feel sympathy, empathy, and compassion given your understanding of someone else's predicament, but you yourself should not be defined by anyone's energy or experience outside of your own.
Be a consequence of your own positive investments into your own life and nothing less. There will be situations, events, and people that you will experience that may temporarily draw you down, but you must not allow those situations, events, or people to keep you there. Know how to reboot yourself. Start with reminding yourself of all of things, situations, events, and people that you have to be grateful for, put on your favorite records and immerse yourself in the lyrics until you can not help but boogie and sing along, and last but certainly not least remember that, if God is willing, there will be tomorrow and given the chance that you will have an opportunity to try being, doing, or having better again... you will take that chance and run with it. In the meantime, pray for others and their circumstances, but do not succumb to their pressures. Their fight is theirs alone. You have your own battles to win. Your must not be deterred from fulfilling your most important job.
At the end of the day, you want to look back over your life and be please with what you see. Your self-reflection will not reveal all of the trials and triumphs of other people that you happened to witness, it will be your life you see. That said, take care of you and be as positively pleasant as often as you can. Take care of your energy because the energy you give off is the same energy you can expect to receive. Lastly, remember that it is okay to be the country that cares for one and all, but even the greatest country in the land has separation between church and state. You are the church. Never forget to take care of your temple because the state can and will eventually take care of itself. Your main responsibility is your job- be better. Be happy.


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