Success's 3 Keys
Sometimes it is very hard to find inspiration, motivation, or drive. It is not nearly as hard to find an excuse as to why something will not work out in your best interest, favor, or for your own good. We all are torn with decisions everyday; what to do now, what we should have done already, and what we will do tomorrow. There is nothing more frustrating than defeat, failure, and disappointment except regret. While we can be our own worst enemy and the very ones standing in our own way, we can also decide to do better.Whether it is with your job, relationship, or self-improvement, conquering goals is much harder when we lack the key tools to achieving them. The first key is commitment. Once you commit to something and put it on your priority list; you will get to it. When something becomes a priority it earns your undivided attention and dedication. You will give it your time repeatedly. There is always something else you could be doing with your time, but you will choose to make your goal a priority. It seems we never actually have enough time to do everything we would like to do thus, a plan and organized timing is the best way to get the best results. You will decide to make a conscious investment of your focus and energy to work toward your success. Every day you succeed at the first two keys is a success in its own right. Some days will be harder than others, for sure. You can not always account for every interruption, distraction, or diversion that may pop up in your day, but you can at the very least plan to work on the objectives on your list every day. The third and final key is persistence. Some things may not come easily. Some things will definitely take a combination of your time, commitment, and persistence before you can even see a flicker of progress, but dare yourself to try again. Convince yourself that you are worth the time your goal requires and that you deserve it. Remind yourself that every time you check it off of your priority list, you are that much closer to your accomplishment.
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