Usually I post about things that cater to no particular gender, however, this one right here is for the ladies. Fellas, I have not forgotten about you, and will definitely have little something for you at a later date. ;) Now, let's get down to business. First things first, you need to understand the most typical reasons why men usually will not commit in the first place. These reasons have nothing to do with you. These are issues that would be there no matter who he was dating. Simply put, most of them are waiting on the 'bigger, better, deal'- a fatter booty, a cuter face, slimmer waist, good hair, etc. What they don't realize is that waiting on the next best thing turns into anything with a pulse really fast. It will seem as if it happened overnight and then all of a sudden they became 'that dude'. We've all seen him- either at the club or in the grocery store, you can spot 'that dude' from a mile away- middle-aged, probably balding or practical...
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