What's The Rush?

Be openly and passionately in pursuit of fulfilling your dreams and reaching the top of your mountain. Let the how surprise you- just get on your way. Take a break when you need to and just enjoy the view from wherever it is you are- relax. Then, after you have caught your breath; get up and get going again. Remember, the only clock you are up against is the one you set. Take your beats, perfect your craft, and do your own thing your way. Trust that you will get to where you want to be at the right time, on the right day, in the exact season you are supposed to, and you will be well-prepared because of the time you took to perfect your technique, taking a beat when it was necessary, and growing into the person that could fill the shoes you want to stand in. ~For more positive post stop by fb.me/TheAnswerKey & tweet me @_TheAnswerKey daily!

Image result for life is not a race, grow at your own pace


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