Inquiring Minds Want to Know 3 Things for 3 Reasons*

When you have chosen to break from the norm and follow your own path you will undoubtedly raise curiosity in those around you. Their intentions are not always obvious, but if anyone is asking, they are asking for a reason. Some genuinely want to encourage, support, or help you, but others have another agenda: discussion, deterrence, or disruption, thus sometimes you have to know when to keep your plans to yourself. Whether you stretch out and hone in on a specific direction or stretch up and reach for a new level of success, choose it wholeheartedly and be steadfast in your actions. Keep it low key and stay tight-lipped about your business. You do not owe anyone anything, especially an explanation. Continue to work in silence and eventually your success will have its own say; make your wish, work hard, then watch it come true. ~For more positive posts stop by & tweet me @_TheAnswerKey daily!


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