Be The Beacon

It is easy to be distracted by the frivolous, the chaotic, or dramatic things going on around you. As soon as you find yourself in that space, take a breath, take a beat, give yourself pause, and choose better. Choose to be better. Choose a better perspective. Have a better appreciation of your energy and invest it intently with love as your chariot. Be the light that can guide others who want to come out of the darkness on their way, but know who wants to stay in the dark and be okay with leaving them there. Many situations will arise that may upset you, disappoint you, or knock you off your mark, but make sure those moments are temporary. Lead by example as one who can experience something devastating without letting it devastate you. Your next day in the sun will come as soon as you choose it. As often as you can mindfully be a beacon of light, positivity, and love for yourself and for others. Your light will always shine if you let it. ~For more positive posts stop by & tweet me  at daily!


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