Be Good To Yourself

Remember to be good to you. Sooner than later, send yourself an edible arrangement, pencil in some time for much needed R&R, take an impromptu trip, treat yourself to a nice dinner. Do something, anything to put a smile on your own face. In between the blood, sweat, and tears you will shed in this lifetime, remember to insert intentional joy in your life as well. Do things with the sole purpose of enjoyment, creativity, exploration, and uplifting your own spirit. Make memories worth remembering because there may come a time where memories are all you left. Make the most of the time you have right now. spend it wisely. Make sure you make time to do things for others, yes, but do what is good for you too. Do not forget to make time to do things that simply make you happy because your happiness is ultimately your responsibility. ~For more positive posts stop by & tweet me _TheAnswerKey daily!


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