Right from the Start

Dreaming is one thing but achieving those dreams is another. Everyone has a dream of doing, having, or being something, but there are steps you must take to turn that dream to into an accomplishment. As the saying goes, 'nothing worth having comes easy', but there is more to the story; it is way more complex than just that. You not only have to work hard for most worthy things, but you may need, know, or be convinced that someone else has to invest in you too. You also may have multiple obligations completely unrelated to your dream, the reality or necessity of its fruition may be dire to you but not the outside world, or you may be simply lacking time. Dream chasing takes time, time you may not have much of to spare. That said, like all things, your first decision is the decision to start. Begin with a commitment and promise you know you can adhere to and invest in yourself. Set some goals, minimums, and parameters for yourself, and then start the clock. The second step to successfully doing almost anything is preparation. You must have a real understanding of the process of getting to where you want to go. No one wakes up one morning, signs up for a 10k, and makes it through without fainting a few k's in or landing themselves in the nearest ER. You have to do some research and prep work -train for it. You need to learn and understand the kind of work you need put in before the race to prepare your mind and your body to complete your task. With every and anything you set out to do, you need to have that understanding; that there is a process. Being successful at most things requires research, training, commitment, time, and most importantly, constant belief in yourself. Know that you are already ahead of most just believing in your ability and refusing to give up. From now on, you just have to repeatedly choose to keep going, and there will be no limits to what you can do. ~For more positive post stop by fb.me/TheAnswerKey & tweet me @_TheAnswerKey daily!


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