Embracing The Hills & The Valleys

Life is full of hills and valleys. Recognize your moments on the hills as the wonderful moments they are and take it all in. Do not waste time up there worrying about the next valley. Give those moments the time they deserve. Be happy and be grateful for them, and when the valleys come, take them in stride. Embrace the experiences for what they are; time to show yourself what you are really made of, show your strength, affirm your faith, and keep moving forward knowing that with every valley you are on the upswing to something better. Do not get stuck, stranded, or stagnant. Do not lie down and give up or quit. More than anything else, pay attention. The valleys are there to teach you something about yourself you may not have known before, reaffirm what you already knew, or re-establish what you knew and lost along the way. Both hills and valleys are blessings to your life. Embrace them both equally and be grateful for the experience. ~For more positive posts stop by fb.me/TheAnswerKey & www.twitter.com/_TheAnswerKey daily!


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