The Not-So Wonderful
Try as you might to avoid difficult situations and people, they do show themselves from time to time. If you absolutely have to deal with something or someone not-so wonderful, do so with a commitment to yourself. Do not allow this person or thing to adversely impact your entire day. Give them your undivided attention temporarily so you can fix the issue at hand, and move on as quickly as you can. Attack the problem not the person. Be honest and concise. Be consciously open to compromise, look for the brighter side, but also know when it is best to simply walk away. Every battle is not worth fighting for. Still, some difficult situations can be unavoidable and must be addressed. Do that as best you can without the goal of changing anyone one else's perspective. Clarify your own, seek a resolution, do your part, then hurry up and get back to putting your energy into that which serves you best: your health, your family, and the positively wonderful things you have going ...