Time Sensitive
Be mindful of your time and how it is spent. Every moment of your day you are choosing to invest in you or someone else- t o share your space, energy, and time is a choice and a sacrifice. While it is necessary to share and offer your very best and be as helpful as you can be to others, be mindful that every ounce of yourself that you give away should be an act of kindness, out of the goodness of your heart, a gift, a courtesy, and a conscious, loving contribution. Think about what priorities you are willing to substitute, negate, and set aside to satisfy someone else's request. Do what you do for others because you want to not just because someone's made the request of you, your resources, or your presence. Your time is valuable and precious, how you manage that time must be a priority; only you can determine its worth and how you wish to spend it. Spend it wisely. ~ For more positive posts fb.me/TheAnswerKey & tweet me @_TheAnswerKey dail...