How Do You Find Happiness Anyway?
Some people who falsely attach their happiness to other people or stuff will find it a temporary, fleeting fix. While the awesome partner, job, car, house, friends, and vacation may enhance your happiness, none of them should define it. Happiness is not something you go out and find. It is an internal experience you choose. It is the perspective you have while you are on your journey to your purpose, your passion, and your dreams fulfilled- not the destination's location. It is in the doing, being, and seeking authentic fulfillment. Happiness is "found" in the alignment of the mind, heart, and soul saturated in the positive, focused on gratitude, and invested in love. At the end of the day, you choose. Choose to be happy if for no other reason than the fact that on your worst or last day, it is your choice to make. ~For more positive posts stop by & tweet me @_TheAnswerKey daily!