
Showing posts from September, 2016

Find Joy In the Journey

Keep your hopes, dreams, and the actions you take to achieving them close to the front of your mind daily, but minimize the pressure. Have an appreciation for the place you are in right now. Understand that there is a purpose for where you are and a reason for why you are not where you would like to be. Make a plan and act on that plan daily and accordingly, but also with the acceptance that your place right now is likely meant to teach and prepare you to be and stay where you want to go. Make the most of every day you are in and remember that doing so should not always consist of reviewing the many ways you 'have not yet' but the many ways 'you have' made the most of life; the good, the bad, the awesome, and the challenging and commit to continue making the most of the day you are in. That is all. The pressure you sometimes feel is self-inflicted. Let it go, doing what you can when you can do it, and knowing that the place you are in is right where you are supposed ...

Live For The Journey

Still working on your plan, putting it to action, stumbling through the darkness and unknown, trying and trying once more? It may be taking longer than you thought, have more challenges than you prepared for, and requiring more time than you planned, but your journey and all that you learn, experience, and endure along the way is just as important as the satisfaction of reaching your destination. Every step is lined with the necessary components you will need at one point or another that will add to your growth, experience, and wisdom that can only come to be having lived through your commitment, constant effort, challenges, and progress. As long as you maintain that commitment you will continue to get up, get going, and reap the benefits of every milestone you reach. Embrace each part of the journey even the pace in which they come because the pace is not the key, but what you gain at each turn and that is what brings you closer to the destiny that is already yours and every milestone...

Finding the Balance

Focus on prioritizing your day around your goal noting every milestone as a taste of your future success and fuel to keep going. Learn to accept whatever part of the process you are in. Stay disciplined but do not obsess, push but do not rush, refuse to recoil into your anxieties and fears, rather embrace the opportunity and wisdom in every challenge and let them be the wind to your back. Find your balance. Invest in your goal daily with a commitment to the actions necessary to get where you want to go, doing what you want to do, and becoming who you want to be, mindfully holding yourself accountable for your progress yet allowing yourself to develop and proceed organically. Actively invest your time and energy in your goal every day, but also remember to take time to appreciate what you have, how far you have come, and who you are right now. Know that all parts are working together to create the version of yourself best fit to live the life you are reaching for. Get comfortable being ...

No Better Day Than Today

Do something today that will make you smile, make you laugh, make you proud, or bring your dreams closer to fruition. With the right attitude, persistence, and focus you can do any and everything you ever hoped to do, be who you have been dreaming to be, and achieve all that you have been longing to achieve. Do it, do it now, do it for yourself. Prove to you that you can. Leave all your fears in your wake. Get started today- a new week, a new dawn, a new day. Be positively driven in the direction of your dreams and watch them show up in your life. Believe. Start believing right now. There is no better moment, minute, or day to start believing in you than the one you are in.  ~For more positive posts stop by   & tweet me @ _TheAnswerKey  daily!