
Showing posts from April, 2014

Every Day In Every Way

Every day take at least five minutes to sit and simply be present. Every day make time for yourself. Unapologetically give yourself permission to simply be- be satisfied with where you are and who you are right now. Be fully aware of your goals and ambitions, but also content with where you are on your journey right now, at this moment, and in this place. Take a moment to breathe deeply, and in every way be grateful for that breath, and the next, and the next. In every way be grateful for who you are and all you have. Be grateful for another opportunity to have a peaceful life with awareness of how precious it is to have life at all. Every day in every way consciously awaken with gratitude in your heart for a new opportunity to be whoever, however, wherever you choose to be again. ~For more positive posts follow me  @_TheAnswerKey & . 

4 Investments Your Relationship Can Not Survive Without

Take a moment to acknowledge that sometimes, you may not always be the best you, and yet your partner is still there- showing up over and over again. Take a moment to appreciate the fact that someone is there for you despite your flaws, fears, and short-comings. No matter what challenges may show up throughout, as long as all parties involved are committed to the experience your relationship will continue to flourish if you nourish it. Always attempt to be in the space of adding to your relationship and not draining it. Be consciously and positively investing into your relationships with compassion, love, support, and encouragement. When all parties show up for each other mindfully connected to their contributions to the relationship it will stay positive, loving, pleasurable, and balanced.  ~For more positive posts follow me at   & .

The Big Picture

Release your fears and worries because every problem has an expiration date no matter how big or difficult it may seem, feel, or be. All challenges are temporary. Be confident in your abilities, be aware of your strength, be committed to your journey, and at peace with your experience. Determine how and why any and all of your challenges show up to contribute to your experience and in your favor. Most importantly, know that everything that happens to you is happening for you. Even your disappointments are just a contributing factor to the progression of your journey, and y ou can not forget to remember the big picture. E verything will be okay.~For more positive posts follow me at &

Trust the Process

In most things that hurt us, fail us, challenge us, or disappoint us they are only capable of doing those things if that is where you choose to stop the process. For all of those difficulties that show up, the difficult job, the difficult relationship, the difficult experience that is only half of the story. You must believe that all things are at work for you. The impact of all things is ultimately there to grow you, strengthen you, teach you, or show you something about yourself or your situation that will enhance your life experience in some better, improved, and positive way. On the surface things you experience may hurt, and that makes it easy to just walk away, give up, wash your hands of it all, but if you make the conscious decision to seek out the blessing hidden in all of your difficulties you will find there is, was, and will always be something there to serve you, you just need to start looking for it. Make your best day, every day. ~For daily positive posts follow me on ...

Believe In You!

Robert Schuller said: What would you do if you knew you could not fail? Good question; thankfully, failures can only lead to lessons learned. Why not give everything you have ever dreamed of a try knowing failure is not necessarily a bad thing? While you have the option to sit in mediocrity, you have the option to sit back and do nothing, you have the option to try to be, live, and act in a way that is solely pleasing to others, never fending for yourself, never fighting for what you want, never standing up, speaking up, or stepping up on your own behalf. Those are all options, but at the end of it all to be totally fulfilled, to taste the sweet nectar of victory, to basque in the glory of self-accomplishment, to be extraordinarily satisfied with yourself, your work, and your life, you have to choose you. Come to terms with what you really want instead of what you have been told you should have. Come to terms with what you believe and not what you have been lead to believe is truth. Co...

A Consciously Loving Investment*

Never let your day be done and have spent none of your time on yourself. Release any guilt or shame that may be associated with selfishness when spending time on and with you. There is nothing selfish about taking care of yourself. Learn to appreciate your own company. Remember that you are your greatest investment. Let the people counting on you get the best version of you; one that is healthy, well-rested, and personally fulfilled. Give your best in everything you do, but remember to love yourself enough to make the conscious effort to invest in you too. ~Check out & for daily positive posts.

The Way To Happiness*

The way to happiness is simply making loving, positive, soul-serving choices. Find a reason to see the best in every situation. Slow down and observe how your experience, every single one of them is working in your favor, to your benefit, and for your growth. Realize that every challenge, every obstacle, and unforseen bump in your road is also working for you not against you. More often than not be a living expression of gratitude. Happiness will inevitably be yours when you are focused on the things you should be grateful for. ~Check out & for daily positive posts.~

A Friendly Check-Up

Every now and then there are experiences that either grow us closer to the people around us or further apart. With that comes the time to evaluate your relationships and make adjustments accordingly. A friendly check-up is healthy to make sure the relationships you have are consistently serving you and not constantly draining you. An author once said something to the affect of make sure everyone in your boat is rowing and not busting holes in the bottom when you are not looking. The truth is everyone you come in contact with will not have your best interest at heart, figure out who they are and send them packing. That said, when you find people that inspire you, encourage you, and support you without judgement- those are the ones you keep around and cherish them like treasure. ~For more positive posts follow  &!  Make It A Super-Great Day!~