

Welcome to another year! While some places are under fire and others are under ice, you are here. Even if you are in one or the other, maintain a sense of peace in your heart and gratitude for life itself. The precious items, while heart-breaking to lose, none of them are more valuable than you. Your memories and the love you shared while making them are priceless. If you can, where you can, when you can, do something for someone else. Now is the time, when coming together, sharing, caring, and being there for each other is the best use of your time and energy. If you can, where you can, when you can, do something for someone else, and remember, the most precious thing you have is life.  ~ For more positive posts stop by  & tweet me    @_TheAnswerKey  daily!  

All The Best

Life has a way of showing you who and what really matters. One of the most precious experiences in this life can be found in the reciprocity of loving relationships, surviving hard times, lessons being learned, silver-linings being found, and being blessed with what you need regardless of what you want. Live in gratitude for all of it. Wishing you all the best... you are abundantly blessed.  ~ For more positive posts stop by  & tweet me    @_TheAnswerKey  daily!  

Find Time...

The time for gratitude is always. Make time to be present, be kind (especially to yourself) as often as you can, and embrace every peaceful moment you get. Find solace in knowing that no matter what happens ten minutes from now, ten weeks, or ten months from now, right now, all is well. Find time to stop and smell the roses.  ~ For more positive posts stop by  & tweet me    @_TheAnswerKey  daily!

It's All Good

Take in this moment for what it is. You are okay. Take a deep breath, and really feel it. Make some time to just appreciate where you are in this moment even if it is a hard one. While things could be better, they could also be worse. No matter what the circumstances are right now- you are okay. Focus on the solutions more than the problems. Some of them may need your push, but others will simply take care of themselves. Stay balanced. Remember to always take care of You while you handle your business, and be grateful to have business that needs handling. You've got this.   ~ For more positive posts stop by  & tweet me   @_TheAnswerKey  daily!

Hello Fall!

Summer came back for, hopefully, its final bow. Fall really took its sweet time getting here this year, but it is time to finally fall into fall. Enjoy the whispering winds, the chill that comes with it, wearing hoodies while crunching through leaves, and an extra hour of sleep. Get cozy with the ones you love and hold dear. Snuggle up, and enjoy every minute of it.  ~For more positive posts stop by &   daily!  

Hello, Autumn!

Autumn is finally showing up. The leaves are changing colors, and slowly falling. The wind is picking up. The days are shorter, and the mornings have a cool, brisk, breeze to accompany the new day, every day. Take it all in. Enjoy this time of year. Entering the final quarter, make time to enjoy your people and your space a little bit more. With gratitude in your heart, every day has the possibility to be the best day of the year!  ~For more positive posts stop by &   daily!  

New Season... New You

The real flex is not being so exhausted and worn out from filling everyone else's cup. By all means, do plenty of pouring, but notice when you have done enough to not deplete yourself, and minimize over doing it. For this season and for the unforeseeable future, commit to being whole, well, and full too. Do so mindfully, in part, so you can continue to pour without garnering any resentment but more gratitude for the ability to do so. Make time to help others, but also make time for you to enjoy this beautiful season. ~For more positive posts stop by &   daily!