No Explanation Needed

Be confident in your decisions in regards to how you choose to live your life. You can give out some details for the sake of clarity, but let the description of your endeavors stop there. After a while, people tend to take your information as some form of explanation or justification for your actions. You need no one's blessing to live your life your way. This is your life to live for you to express all of your awesomeness, all of your gifts, all of your talents to the world; how you choose to do that is entirely up to you, and as you do that remember that no one's opinion of you or what you do should hold more weight than the calling within your own heart. ~For more positive posts stop by & tweet me  @_TheAnswerKey daily!

Image may contain: possible text that says 'Never explain yourself to anyone. You don't need anyone's approval. Live your life and do what makes you happy. StillMoments ryae'


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